October 2021, 31st Edition

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Welcome To The Fall Season Everyone!

IT’S HERE! IT’S HERE! What am I so excited about you ask?

Glass Garden’s Annual Sale will be October 22nd and 23rd. This is when we celebrate another year of bringing the joys and creative efforts of all of you in the stained glass world!

Our annual sale includes 20% off most everything in the shop, with a few exceptions.

During the sale, we will be having a drawing for a FREE Girlfriends Night Out Class! So be sure to come to the Annual Sale, sign up for the free class drawing, AND stock up on all your stained glass needs!

HEADS UP! Glass Garden has recently acquired a very diverse collection of head glass! Watch our website for updates on when we will be offering our very first class featuring this special glass. Since head glass is a design in itself, this project is bound to be stunner!

Looking forward to seeing you this fall!

Judy Shumway

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Head Glass

We are excited to show off our special selection of head glass!



You can never fold a road map the way it once was.


Current Specials



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Upcoming Classes

To check out ALL of our newly scheduled classes, click HERE!

10/5: Fusing Fun - Fall Puzzle Suncatcher
10/7: Girlfriend’s Night Out - Curvy Fall Scene SOLD OUT!
10/9: Blown Glass Globes - ONE SPOT LEFT!
10/14: Fusing Fun - Pretty as a Plate
10/23: Fused Lantern Class
10/30: Alcohol Inks - ONLY 2 SPOTS REMAIN!
11/1: Beginning Stained Glass - FILLING UP FAST!



Just for fun, here is a WORD FIND!

Fall has always been my favorite season. The time when everything bursts with its last beauty, as if nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale.
— Lauren DeStefano


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