July 2021, 30th Edition


Hello Everyone:

Welcome to summer! We are so happy to have life getting back to normal. We’re sure this summer will be one to enjoy. We hope you will find the time to bring a family member or friend to our shop to show them the amazing stained glasses projects you do! Our list of upcoming classes and examples of the classes can be found in the front of our store.   

We also want to hear from you all! If there is a class you want to take again, or one you wanted to attend but were unable to, please let us know.  We will be using this information to plan future classes.

Beat the heat, come in and stay awhile!

Always Here to Help You,

--Judy Shumway, Owner


Downtown Construction

WE ARE OPEN and accessible during the ongoing downtown construction! While we are hopeful that all construction will be wrapping up on Milwaukee Street soon, we are happy that we are easily accessible with parking in front of OR behind our store.

It’s a new look and we can’t wait for you too see it!


Person of Interest:

Rita Steinhorst

Five years ago, Rita decided to walk into a class at the last minute - never having done stained glass. She’s never left!

Her piece celebrates the veterans at the VFW Post in Sharon, WI.  What a great piece!

Rita Steinhorst

Current Specials



20% off blue sheet glass.jpg


20% off foil 2021.jpg


20 off finished panel of 130 or more.jpg



Just for fun, here is a WORD FIND!



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