April 2020, 25th Edition


Hello---I’m here to spring into a new season with all of you!

Spring is a time of renewed energy! The grass is getting green. Baseball will (hopefully!) be starting soon. Before we know it, summer will be here.

This spring has been challenging for all of us. I challenge you to put a 'spring in your step'! Go for a walk. Do something for a neighbor. Before long, we will be able to meet up with friends, go to local stores and enjoy each other's company again!

In the meantime, check out our upcoming classes in the newsletter! Sign up to enjoy a day with your friends while creating something as beautiful as the day. Girlfriend’s Night Out has been a big hit for years. Friends and family enjoy it so much they return time and again.

At the Glass Garden, we can help you achieve a perfect gift for the future!

Always looking forward to seeing you,

--Judy Shumway, Owner

“The future is not a gift. It is an achievement.”

-Robert F. Kennedy


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As you slide down the banister of life, may the splinters never point the wrong way.

Upcoming Monthly Specials


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Upcoming Classes

To check out all our newly scheduled classes, click HERE!

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Our Person of Interest

Diane Kolff has been involved in creating stained glass art for approximately 5 years. She mostly enjoys doing complicated patterns and of course in the company of her classmates!

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Nancy Radloff has been a patron of our shop for many years. In December, she joined the Glass Garden staff. Nancy will be teaching some upcoming classes. We are excited to have her join our group and be a part of our ever expanding stained glass circle.


Click here for our quarterly WORD FIND!

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